Rejuvelac is a fermented drink full of B vitamins,E and K vitamins, protein, enzymes and good flora. It helps improve digestion by replacing the good bacteria back into our bodies by the constant use of antibiotics and other things.
Rejuvelac is made from grains like wheat, rye, oats, millet or Triticale. Soft pastry wheatberries are normally used but other varieties are ok as long as they are organic. Both wheat and rye are very tasty with a sour lemony flavor.
It can be used as a drink or added to nut and seed sauces, cheeses and essence bread. A sweet refreshing drink can be made by adding a squeeze of lemon and a touch of honey. I have used it as a drink and added it to my cheese to speed up the fermentation process.
Here is the step by step on..
How To Make Rejuvelac!

You will need a 1 gallon Jar.

1 cup


And Filtered Water

Add 1 cup of wheatberries to..

1 gallon jar.

This is about 1/4 in bottom of jar.

Fill jar with filtered water and cover with either cheesecloth, unbleached paper towel/napkin or coffee filter and rubber band.

Let soak for 8 hours.

After 8 hours strain water from jar.

Be sure to drain off all water.

Place towel and rubber band back on jar.

Invert jar to completely drain. You can put in sink, dish drainer or where ever it can drain well and sprout.

Wheatberries need to sprout for 2 days, rinsing 2-3 times a day.

Day 1-Over night berries have already begun to sprout!

Now rinse berries with filtered water. Some people use tap water to rinse I prefer filtered water to keep chlorine off the berries.

After you fill jar with filtered water swish jar to make sure every berry is rinsed. Drain and put towel and rubber band back on jar. Be sure to rinse berries 2 more times during the day, if possible. Invert to sprout for one more day.

Day 2 sprouts. Do not rinse.

Fill with filtered water to top then add towel & rubber band.

Place in dark place to ferment for 48 hours.

After 48 hours, notice liquid is cloudy.

Drain off liquid into pitcher or another jar.

Fill jar back up with filtered water for 24 hours. You can make 3 batches total. Last two are 24 hours.

Ready to go!
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