
Yesterday while trying to get my cherry tomatoes off their precious vines I fell on the fence and the metal pole put a nice gouge in my thigh. It was not deep enough for stitches but very painful and starting to bleed. I first put a banana peel on it and wrapped it with saran wrap. Banana peels are very good for any kind of scrape or cuts and bruises you have. If you put it on shortly after it happens it will keep you from getting bruised. As a matter of a fact any kind of vegetable scraps or peels would be good to have on hand.

Trying to figure out the right course of action I pulled out my trusty herbal book. There were several herbs I could have used, Golden Seal is good for any type of infection and is a natural antibiotic. But not having that I went on looking. I use Comfrey for everything. So I figured it would be good in this instance.Comfrey is called the "bone knitter", it mends wounds and broken bones. Once you put it on it relieves pain and starts mending on contact. It also helps grow new flesh and bones.

Putting the leaves (about a 1/2 cup) in my grinder I turned it into powder. Once it was powder I added spring water( mineral water) to moisten it then added olive oil to bind it. Next I took a nice size piece of saran wrap put the herb mix on it and then placed the herb on my wound and wrapped the saran wrap around my leg. I kept it on all night and then this morning I put more on.

It already looks better! Then I made my green smoothie full of parsley,Napa cabbage,romaine lettuce,broccoli, sprirulina, and two bananas to fully get those mending vitamins and minerals to work!

Its always good to have a handy herbal book at home for emergencies. The one I have is called "The How to Herb Book". But there are many available all which have easy to read information with recipes for poultices,tinctures, herbal teas, and many more. Your home will be happier for it!

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