Rejuvelac is a fermented drink full of B vitamins,E and K vitamins, protein, enzymes and good flora. It helps improve digestion by replacing the good bacteria back into our bodies by the constant use of antibiotics and other things.
Rejuvelac is made from grains like wheat, rye, oats, millet or Triticale. Soft pastry wheatberries are normally used but other varieties are ok as long as they are organic. Both wheat and rye are very tasty with a sour lemony flavor.
It can be used as a drink or added to nut and seed sauces, cheeses and essence bread. A sweet refreshing drink can be made by adding a squeeze of lemon and a touch of honey. I have used it as a drink and added it to my cheese to speed up the fermentation process.
Here is the step by step on..
How To Make Rejuvelac!

You will need a 1 gallon Jar.

1 cup


And Filtered Water

Add 1 cup of wheatberries to..

1 gallon jar.

This is about 1/4 in bottom of jar.

Fill jar with filtered water and cover with either cheesecloth, unbleached paper towel/napkin or coffee filter and rubber band.

Let soak for 8 hours.

After 8 hours strain water from jar.

Be sure to drain off all water.

Place towel and rubber band back on jar.

Invert jar to completely drain. You can put in sink, dish drainer or where ever it can drain well and sprout.

Wheatberries need to sprout for 2 days, rinsing 2-3 times a day.

Day 1-Over night berries have already begun to sprout!

Now rinse berries with filtered water. Some people use tap water to rinse I prefer filtered water to keep chlorine off the berries.

After you fill jar with filtered water swish jar to make sure every berry is rinsed. Drain and put towel and rubber band back on jar. Be sure to rinse berries 2 more times during the day, if possible. Invert to sprout for one more day.

Day 2 sprouts. Do not rinse.

Fill with filtered water to top then add towel & rubber band.

Place in dark place to ferment for 48 hours.

After 48 hours, notice liquid is cloudy.

Drain off liquid into pitcher or another jar.

Fill jar back up with filtered water for 24 hours. You can make 3 batches total. Last two are 24 hours.

Ready to go!
I wish I could get a new location, location, location
I would change my living situation because I want to live in the country! Grow my own food, and make my own electricity,save rain water etc!
Fifth Day
This morning I got up at 4am, I use to get up at this time everyday. It felt really good! I just sat in the recliner listening to the world around me before I did anything. I made some spearment tea and just sipped on it and relaxed. Its so peaceful this time in the morning....wish life was like this all the time.
8:30-made my first juice only this time I used the blender. I used the rest of the kale-3-4 leaves, with green apple, green pepper, 1/2 cuc and a squeeze of lime. I'm feeling good, very light, I feel as though I could clean seven houses and still have the energy to clean seven more!
If your thinking of loosing weight this is the best way to do it! Not only does it revitalize you but your skin will glow! No wrinkles, your skin will be smooth!

11:30-I made a carrot and beet juice was kinda craving it, has a really smooth taste. Well, I'm out of greens and almost out of fruit, its time to make my rounds again. I've got to run some errands this afternoon so I'll hit some of the stores on my way home.

3:30-I just went to Super1 and got turnip roots and greens,collards,parsley,cucs,zucchini. Tomorrow I'll get out to other stores. Can't wait until we can start our garden. I am so needing homegrown food! We have a community garden for our potluck group and have been having trouble finding someone with a tiller. However, we finally hit pay dirt and now we have one! Made a juice of everything I bought plus a sqeeeze of lemon.
Fourth Day
I drank water most of the day, while I cleaned house. Didn't eat until 3:30 and that was 4 carrots, 1 beet with 1/2 inch ginger. This is a really good juice for cleansing.
6:30-herb tea
That's about it for the day. I imagine I'll be really hungry tomorrow or maybe not. The more I drink green juice the less hungry I get. This is all green without sweet or much of it. I have found that when I add too much fruit in my juices that it makes me hungrier. So thats why I stuff as many greens down that hopper as I can!
Questions Answered:
One of the Questions I get from people when I give my classes is "How do you afford all that equipment? I can't afford a Vita Mix or a Champion.

I couldn't either. But what I found was there are a 1/2 dozen places where you can get really good buys on blenders, juicers, grinders, and dehydrators.
First, you could check with relatives. Chances are they have a blender stashed under their cabinet that they haven't used in years. My daughter-in-law let me use her grandmothers dehydrator that she was not using. It was my first dehydrator without a temperature control on it.
Second, garage sales and flea markets are good for finding kitchen equipment. You could even bid for that perfect price!
Third, newspaper want ads.
Fourth, Goodwill, Salvation Army and Consignment Stores. This is where I found my first blender and a electric citrus juicer.
Fifth, Craigslist! They actually have a free site where people are giving things away!
Sixth, Auction sites like EBay or Amazon.
Birthdays are a good way to get a dehydrator or juicer. My friends bought me a American Harvester for my birthday.
Walmart and Kmart have good prices on everything for the kitchen.
I am a gadget queen! I love gadgets! So whenever I go to a dollar store or a department store I look for their clearance isles. Even Walgreen's, Rite Aid and CVS have clearance isles or baskets. You can pick up funnels, strainers, teaspoons and cups.

Its like with every new thing you try, it takes getting use to a new routine! After you have made several recipes it will get easier each time. And you will be able to experiment and make your own dishes!
Second & Third Day
Yesterday, I got up at 6 which was early considering I didn't get to bed until 1:30am. I piddle either in the bedroom or in the kitchen until I get woke up. At 8:01 I drank some warm lemon water. If you notice on my blog I have a slide show. I decided to try to show how I juice. So I set the laptop on the counter and set it up where everything was visible. The hardest part was trying not to look down when I took the picture but all in all I thought it went well. Next time I will try some other things.
I put together 8 turnip leaves, 6 Kale leaves, 4 carrots, 1 beet, handful parsley, 1 green apple and 1 inch ginger root. This is what I am juicing on the slide show. It made about 28 oz of juice. So officially my first 8 oz was at 10:06.
12:16- I drank 8 oz of juice and 1 cup of Rejuvalac. In case you are not familiar with Rejuvalac this is made from fermented wheatberries. Then I followed that with herb tea about 12:45.
Its really fun combining veges to see what works with what. I have had some really bitter ones and no matter what I added it was still yuk but I drank it anyway. You just have to be willing to experiment.
2:o1-Finished up the remainder of the juice and had 1 bottle water.
4:07- spearmint tea
6:00- 1 orange,1 grapefruit,1 turnip, 1 tomarillo,1/2 yellow and red sweet pepper, 2 stalks of Bok
Choy, this made 16 oz of juice.
7:30- herb tea
March 3, 2009
I had an appointment this morning at 7:30am so I was out of the house early. Only took a bottle of water with me. The appointment took longer than expected so I did not eat until 10:56. But this didn't seem to bother me much. However I must admit once I got that juice in me I felt so good!
2:15-I didn't get hungry to around 2pm and this is what I juiced: 3 leaves Kale, 1/2 green pepper, 3 leaves Romaine, handful parsley, 1/2 cuc, 3 leaves collards, 1 lime. Oooh, this was so good!!
3:20- glass rejuvalac
4:00-bottle of water, I'm not posting every time I drink water but I do this throughout the day.
6pm-3 leaves of kale, 1 turnip, 2 tomarillo, 1 clove garlic, 1/2 cuc, 1/2 lemon. This was extremely good and was my last juice of the evening.
First Day
My first glass of juice was very powerful in Nutrients. Carrots have vitamin A, B complex, and includes calcium, copper, magnesium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, chlorine, sulfur, and iron.
Turnips leaves also have vitamin A, C, E, B6, folate, copper, calcium, and dietary fiber. And Parsley is no slouch with beta carotene, vitamin B12, folate, chlorophyll, calcium, more vitamin C than citrus fruits!
10:06-I had the second glass with 3 Kale leaves, 1 small green apple, 10-15 red grapes,and handful of parsley. This was very sweet, next time I'll add more greens!
I was drinking water all day and herbal teas but ended cheating when my husband started eating an orange! So I ate 2 oranges and a grapefruit! The good thing was I was able to get 4 green juices down today! I'll just continue on tomorrow... When things like this go wrong don't despair just start anew the next day!