I took these pictures with my lap top because my camera doesn't work. So you may find the pictures are a little sideways. I was trying to fight the light of the morning sun and in doing so I took several pictures from the rail of my front porch looking down into the pots.

This is Tarragon and I swear within 1 day it grew! So easy...

We bought this Lime tree about three years ago and still it has not produced fruit. I don't know if it takes longer or it needs to be planted in the ground. But I'm not giving up yet!

Lemonbalm has a really pleasant smell. It contains citronella and can be used as a mosquito repellant by rubbing the leaves on your exposed skin. Lemonbalm is also used as a tea for insomnia or as a soothing relaxant. Take about a handful of leaves place them in a jar filled with water and put it in the sun. And there you have it, Sun Tea!

This is my favorite herb basil! I use basil in just about everything..

Dill is an easy to grow plant and grows well in partial shade.

Birds eye view!

Another shot of the basil.

Aloe Vera..wish I had several of these plants. These are well known for their theraputic properties. Especially in the case of burns. It is also good for indigestion and helps with a damaged immune system. I use Aloe Vera in my green smoothies.
Updated Pictures 6/15/09

I'm beginning to see more crops! Now this is where the fun comes in watching them grow!

Can you tell I'm a little excited!

My first red tomato!

And here is number two! :)

And this is my first pepper!

A better shot of that first pepper!

This is the watermelon that I planted in the ground, they seem to be doing ok. But time will tell!
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