I drank water most of the day, while I cleaned house. Didn't eat until 3:30 and that was 4 carrots, 1 beet with 1/2 inch ginger. This is a really good juice for cleansing.
6:30-herb tea
That's about it for the day. I imagine I'll be really hungry tomorrow or maybe not. The more I drink green juice the less hungry I get. This is all green without sweet or much of it. I have found that when I add too much fruit in my juices that it makes me hungrier. So thats why I stuff as many greens down that hopper as I can!
Questions Answered:
One of the Questions I get from people when I give my classes is "How do you afford all that equipment? I can't afford a Vita Mix or a Champion.

I couldn't either. But what I found was there are a 1/2 dozen places where you can get really good buys on blenders, juicers, grinders, and dehydrators.
First, you could check with relatives. Chances are they have a blender stashed under their cabinet that they haven't used in years. My daughter-in-law let me use her grandmothers dehydrator that she was not using. It was my first dehydrator without a temperature control on it.
Second, garage sales and flea markets are good for finding kitchen equipment. You could even bid for that perfect price!
Third, newspaper want ads.
Fourth, Goodwill, Salvation Army and Consignment Stores. This is where I found my first blender and a electric citrus juicer.
Fifth, Craigslist! They actually have a free site where people are giving things away!
Sixth, Auction sites like EBay or Amazon.
Birthdays are a good way to get a dehydrator or juicer. My friends bought me a American Harvester for my birthday.
Walmart and Kmart have good prices on everything for the kitchen.
I am a gadget queen! I love gadgets! So whenever I go to a dollar store or a department store I look for their clearance isles. Even Walgreen's, Rite Aid and CVS have clearance isles or baskets. You can pick up funnels, strainers, teaspoons and cups.

Its like with every new thing you try, it takes getting use to a new routine! After you have made several recipes it will get easier each time. And you will be able to experiment and make your own dishes!
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